IFC Markets CEOのアガシ・ヴァルダニャン氏にインタビュー

IFC Marketsは、650以上の取扱商品のある海外FX業者です。

今回、海外FXマガジンでは、IFC Marketsのアガシ・ヴァルダニャン氏にインタビューを行いました。




Please tell about yourself and how you reached your current role?

IFC Marketsのオフィス



I was always fascinated with financial markets’ behavior and complexity. In 2013, when I was offered the position of Chief Information Officer at IFC Markets, I already worked in the financial sector for more than ten years as a security advisor, auditor and risk manager. As the CIO, my job was to ensure that Information and Communications Technologies of the whole company were aligned with business processes. One of the first things I did at IFC Markets was to reorganize our IT department by bringing aboard extremely qualified members capable of responding quickly to challenges we faced, be external or internal. As you know, our business heavily relies on ICTs, and we prioritized putting forward strategies and created new technologies such as PCI (Personal Composite Instruments) that would allow us to be technologically one step ahead of the competition. In 2016, I was promoted to the position of CEO. In my new role, I am responsible for all revenue generating business units, audience development, dealings, and customer service operations.

訳:私は昔から金融市場の動向とその複雑さに魅了されてきました。2013年にIFC Marketsで最高情報責任者(CIO)に就任する前も、セキュリティアドバイザーや監査人、リスクマネージャーとして10年以上金融業界での経験を積んでいました。CIOとして、会社全体の情報通信技術(ICT)がビジネスプロセスと整合していることを確保する役割を担いました。IFC Marketsに入社して最初に行ったことの一つは、優れた能力を持ち、外部・内部の課題に迅速に対応できるメンバーをIT部門に迎え入れることでした。私たちのビジネスはICTに大きく依存しているため、戦略を前進させ、新技術(例えばPCI(パーソナル・コンポジット・インストゥルメント))を開発して競争の一歩先を行くことを目指しました。2016年にはCEOに昇進し、現在は全ての収益創出部門、オーディエンス開発、取引および顧客サービス業務の責任を負っています。

What are your goals for the company in the next few years?

IFC Marketsのオフィス2



We have an ambitious schedule for the upcoming years with many projects in the pipeline. At the end of each year we set new goals incorporating the lessons learned. As you know, today, the field of Forex trading is very competitive as well as rapidly developing, so the time to deliver new products is extremely important.
Our goal for IFC Markets is to be a premier choice for traders looking for maximum flexibility intraded instruments and the company that is distinguished by having an outstanding customer service.

訳:我々は今後数年間にわたり、パイプラインに多くのプロジェクトを控えた野心的なスケジュールを組んでいます。毎年末に学んだ教訓を反映させ、新たな目標を設定しています。ご存じの通り、現在の外国為替(FX)取引市場は非常に競争が激しく、急速に発展しています。そのため、新製品を市場に投入するタイミングが非常に重要です。IFC Marketsの目標は、トレーダーに最大限の柔軟性を提供できる取引先として選ばれ、優れたカスタマーサービスで他社と一線を画す存在になることです。

What do you think sets you apart from the competition?

IFC Marketsのオフィス3



Ten years ago, when our company first launched its own platform NetTradeX, we were one of the very few brokers on the market that offered their own platform for trading along with MetaTrader. We continuously have been improving our platform, taking into account users’ feedback and incorporating cutting edge technology. Today, the user friendliness of NetTradeX platform as well as the fact that it allows to trade with smaller volumes makes it very attractive for beginners and traders who want to start from smaller amount. Professional traders would appreciate the flexibility of NetTradeX in creating new instruments among other things. Of course, IFC Markets offers MetaTrader 4 platform as well, so the traders can trade with the platform of their choice.


PCI technology allows capabilities that were not possible
before. With it traders have maximum flexibility and creativity by creating their own portfolios, made up by any combination of financial instruments, quoted by another portfolio similarly way assembled. I think, the PCI technology, by completely freeing the creativity of traders, lets traders look into different markets with the purpose of finding possible relationship. PCI is currently in the process of patenting. I believe PCI has a great future in Forex market.

訳:私たちの会社が自社プラットフォームNetTradeXを立ち上げたのは10年前のことですが、当時、独自の取引プラットフォームとMetaTraderを提供する数少ないブローカーの一つでした。ユーザーからのフィードバックや最先端技術を取り入れて、プラットフォームを継続的に改善しています。NetTradeXは、少量の取引から始められるため、初心者や少額からスタートしたいトレーダーにとって非常に魅力的です。プロのトレーダーは、新たな取引手段の作成が可能であるなど、NetTradeXの柔軟性を評価してくれるでしょう。もちろん、MetaTrader 4も提供しており、トレーダーは自分に合ったプラットフォームを選ぶことができます。PCI技術により、従来は不可能だった機能が実現され、トレーダーは自身のポートフォリオを独自の組み合わせで作成することができます。PCIはトレーダーの創造力を引き出し、異なる市場での関連性を探る機会を提供します。現在、PCIは特許出願中であり、FX市場で大きな将来性があると信じています。

How do you view the current state of the industry?

IFC Marketsのオフィス3



The market is constantly growing with the number of market players growing even faster. More and more people star trading on Stock and Commodities markets. Buying and selling any commodities futures or stocks has become so easy that even beginners can do it within moments. Today, the service quality and trading conditions of brokers more or less have leveled out.


At the same time, innovation in the field has
mostly stagnated and the majority of brokers are not offering substantially new products. Hence, in my opinion, the battle has turned into who has a better marketing strategy.


What new fields or opportunities do you see as growth potential in the market?



I think, in not too distant future, there will be analytical tools with artificial intelligence capable to automatically analyze news, trade volumes, use historical data, and make judgements for us. Of course, the battle is still open and we don’t know yet whether the changes will have more positive or negative consequences.


As for our proprietary PCI technology, once it gains ground in the market, I strongly believe, it will have a great influence on trading as it will substantially increase the quantity of traded new products. The technology will attract more traders, and, as a result, will potentially increase the size of the market. PCI, through creation of new synthetic instruments, specifically designed and tuned by individual traders themselves will give birth to new trading strategies. The effect of PCI technology will encompass investment and hedging funds, where traders will be able to create their own portfolios with just a click of a mouse.

